Calton Hill Proposal

This was nothing short of wonderful. I meet some really wonderful grooms in this job. Rick set up a day that felt surreal for me - I can only imagine how he and his bride to be felt! I travelled down to a perfect winter scene in Edinburgh. A beautiful sky, crystal clear frozen city. Thank you weather fairy. A magical photo-story unfolded as I spotted them. Calton hill was awash with tourists, most of whom were sporting ‘proper’ cameras. This was great for hiding amongst the crowd.

I followed them around and got some moments before the proposition. I loved the clock being correlating the moments… leading up to the big moment.

After the proposal, they were both buzzing with happiness and love. I didn’t have a difficult time getting amazing photographs between the beautiful backdrop of the capitol city and these two beautiful fun people. I brought along some glasses and a bottle of Champagne, the rest is history - and at the time of writing, a few chapters into a very long and wonderful love story. Here’s hoping I am their Edinburgh wedding photographer !


Edinburgh Engagement photo shoot


Dundee Wedding Photographer