Taypark House LGBTQ+ Wedding

Not sure how to title a blog aimed at the attention LGBTQ+ couples, but here is my best attempt! I have done lots of same sex weddings (mostly lesbian couples) and I think that with all wedding photos, seeing a lovely gallery of images lets couples know, as person, you love LOVE.

I have shied away from using LGBTQ+ hashtags, I don’t like looking overly salesman-ish and won’t use hashtags from a community to score a wedding photography job. At the same time, I really need to let people know I am here and absolutely thrive on a gay wedding.

Below is one of the most staggeringly gorgeous weddings I’ve ever photographed. Partly down to the beautiful Taypark House as always delivering the backdrops, partly down to the beautiful people young and old coming together to celebrate. The main reason this wedding was so stunning was all the planning from the couple. They knew what they wanted and took steps to make it happen. Having a creative vision is important. Get the venue right, and move on from there.

If you have a look at the images below, you will see the images are lovely. What you might not see unless you really focus on the order they are in - is that they didn’t have a conventional running schedule to the day. They wanted their day to reflect them totally - ‘we want it to be like entertaining our friends at our house, but bigger’. I loved every moment of it. Group shots before the ceremony!?! Amazing, it just works. Everyone had the most exciting part to look forward to at around 5pm with the entire day spent together. The brides kept apart for a few hours in the morning before having a beautiful first look on the back steps of Taypark House. As usual I have no idea who made the dresses or who is responsible for the lovely hairs and make ups.. It’s not that I don’t care who these fantastic people are, its more that I am in the zone on the day and I don’t like bugging my brides with these questions later!

I hope you enjoy the images, and if you or a friend are LGBTQ+ and on the look out for a photographer - please spread the word! I would very much like to be the top LGBQT+ wedding photographer not just to have more variety in my weddings but because love is love, and I LOVE it!


Silverwood Lodges


Carlogie House & Dundee City Chambers East Wedding